Home Our promise

Our promise

If you need us, we are here

Doing our part to support those in need

We make this promise to all who interact with us. Why? Because we want to make sure our services have a positive impact on every single one of our clients (including those who may be experiencing hardship or need extra support). So, whatever your circumstances, our promise to you is - if you need us, we are here.

EBM RentCover values - driving everything we do

Honest to the core

Do the right thing

Take responsibility

Incite optimism (over fear)

Be human

Do you need extra support?


Why a promise?

We know insurance can be daunting. So, we wanted to promise our clients that we will work to understand and help them. This is especially important for those who need extra support from us.

What should I do if I am vulnerable?

If you are someone who is going through a personal experience that gives rise to unique needs, we may be able to provide extra support. Call 1800 661 662 and we can chat about your options. 

How do you deal with people with vulnerabilities?

At EBM RentCover, a set of values underpin everything we do. These values are engrained in all team members and define the approach we take to understand and support vulnerable people.  

Family violence (including domestic and financial abuse)

Are you struggling financially as a result of domestic and family violence? We want to help you.

What is family violence?

Are there any free resources available to support those facing family violence?

What should I do if I am experiencing a family violence situation and it is impacting my ability to pay my premium or insure my rental property?

What sort of options are available to those in this sort of situation?

When is the best time to touch base with EBM RentCover about my situation?

If I share my story with the EBM RentCover team, will it be kept private?

How do you manage claims of those who are facing family violence situations?

What experience and training does the EBM RentCover team have in dealing with this complex situation?

If my tenant is in a family violence situation, how does this impact my insurance?

Supporting your tenants in domestic violence situations

Supporting your tenants in domestic violence situations

It is important landlords are across the laws in their state and understand how to best respond if their tenant is facing a family violence situation. To help, we have crafted an article which breaks down the rules and regulations
in each state relating to the rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord.

Read more

Financial hardship

Sometimes things outside of our control occur and we are pushed beyond our means. We want to help if you are going through unexpected financial hardship.

What is financial hardship?

How does someone fall into financial hardship?

Are there any free services that may be able to help me with my financial hardship?

What if I’m unable to pay my premium?

I’ve lodged a claim and now I’m in urgent need of recouping my costs…

What happens if I have a tenant who needs to break their lease or can’t pay rent due to financial hardship?

What support do you offer during times of national crises?

I am someone who received a 'letter of demand' from a recovery agent (in relation to a claim made as a result of my actions). I am experiencing financial hardship. What are my options?

Please note, this page will be updated to include examples of how we provide extra support to different people, including how we look after those facing language barriers and illness.

About EBM RentCover

About EBM RentCover

EBM RentCover’s relationship with the real estate industry ignited nearly 30 years ago, with the development of one of Australia's first landlord insurance policies. Since then, we have educated property investors and property professionals about the value of aligning with a specialist landlord insurance provider and we now protect more than 160,000 rental properties across Australia. 

Find out more

Info Centre

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COVID-19: FAQs and the impact on landlord insurance
Prevention COVID-19: FAQs and the impact on landlord insurance

Read on for an update on where things stand with COVID-19 and landlord insurance…

19 Mar 2020 14 mins read
COVID-19 – a year on
Insurance insights COVID-19 – a year on

What landlords need to know 12 months on from the introduction of a nationwide moratorium on evictions…

21 Apr 2020 15 mins read
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