Home Info Centre Contacting EBM RentCover during the holiday period
Contacting EBM RentCover during the holiday period
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Contacting EBM RentCover during the holiday period

12 Dec 2022 3 mins read

Now that the year is coming to a close, so too is EBM RentCover (for a short while, of course!). This is what you need to know…

In order to reset, most team members will take a well-deserved break from 23 December. During this time, there will be a delay to non-urgent requests, until most of the team returns on 3 January. NOTE: We will have a small number of team members able to respond to urgent matters.

In preparation for the holiday season, we have compiled a few tips and tricks for managing rentals (including ideas for minimising rental losses and protecting the property from damage). You can find that information here.

We know there may be circumstances where you need to talk to the EBM RentCover team. This is what you should do if you need to contact us between 23 December and 3 January…


You can submit all claims via our online claims portal. However, only urgent matters will be responded to during the office closure.

What constitutes an urgent matter? An urgent matter is an event that poses an immediate risk to the property or the tenant. It is something that, without immediate intervention, will worsen. If it sounds like you are in this situation, you can contact EBM RentCover as usual by calling 1800 661 662 – leave a message and our team will respond ASAP. 

Applying for cover

You can still get a quote and apply for cover online, however all applications will be processed upon the return of the team. Please note, cover will be in place from the date noted on the application form (if the application form has been filled in correctly and meets all necessary requirements).

IMPORTANT: If you are a Corporate Authorised Representative or Distributor of EBM RentCover, you can still apply for cover using RCPLive. If you do not have access to RCPLive, you can register for access here and we will get you set up in the new year.

Paying premiums

This is business as usual. You can get on top of your payment and pay your premium here.

Certificate of currency

If you are on the hunt for a Certificate of Currency (confirming your insurance policy is current), please email certificates@rentcover.com.au. We can arrange this for you during the holiday office closure.  

General enquiries and emergencies

General enquires will be filtered through a messaging service. EBM RentCover will have a small number of team members able to respond to urgent matters.

What constitutes an urgent matter? An urgent matter is an event that poses an immediate risk to the property or the tenant. It is something that, without immediate intervention, will worsen. For example, a house fire or severe flood.

To determine if your enquiry is an emergency, does your situation meet the below criteria

  • Is there immediate risk to the tenant and/or property?
  • If you do not seek assistance now, will the situation worsen?

If you answered yes to the above, please contact 1800 661 662, leave a message and our team will respond ASAP. 

Natural disasters

We know that this period is prone to natural disasters. Please note, the EBM RentCover team is on standby and ready to work if a natural disaster strikes.

For all other enquiries, please contact 1800 661 662 and leave your details with our messaging service. If the matter is not urgent, you will likely hear from us after 3 January. Thanks for your support during this time. Happy holidays!

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